Alanna Nelson
welcomes you to her fiber art, knits and brand building stories.

“Labor of Love” in Arlington
Without a nudge from Cat Beaudoin, I would have missed the Arlington Center for the Art’s call for art. Ana Kristina Gorannsen curated a wonderful collection of fiber art in “Labor of Love." One of my Immigration Windows art quilts was among the 30 pieces chosen. The...
Historic Detail – SAQA Virtual Gallery
When the Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) opened the call for virtual exhibits last spring, it didn't take long to think of three interesting ideas for quilt art virtual gallery themes. My favorite idea was how quilt artists expressed a sense of place and time in...
“Playing with Color” October 2022 in Melrose, MA
Come to the Beebe Estate in Melrose to discover “Playing in Color,” a fiber and quilt art exhibit of Joined by Stitch. Meet the artists at the October 7, 2022 reception from 7 to 9 pm.Joined by Stitch is the critique group of Betsy Abbott, Agusta Agustsson, Tarja...
Building Blocks at Marion Art Center
Building Blocks: 1. 2021. Wool, plastic and cotton. See this piece at the Marion Art Center through September 16, 2022. There’s more to this story.
Invasion of the Invasives
An invasive autumn olive tree offers opportunities to dye wool and create felted fiber art (plus syrup and BBQ sauce!).
5 Squares for the Violet Protest
• Respect for the other • Citizenship • Compromise • Country over party and corporate influence • Courage • Candor • Compassion • CreativityCore American Values promoted by the Violet Protest Can we agree on these American values? Artist Ann Merton thought so,...
Luke Haynes
Energetic, in tune with the world, Luke Haynes presented at the SAQA MARI virtual meeting on May 16, 2021. What do you think?
Story of Myrtle
Mom asked me to knit a fingering weight cardigan called Myrtle for her. Of course, I said yes. One syllable led to a knitting adventure.
A Season Well Spent
When objects hold memories and become something new. A Season Well Spent, 2021. Wool, leather, polyester.
Status of the Studio – 2020
“You are where you need to be.” Really? Here’s my end of 2020 state of the studio and self-pep talk.