Maybe you would pitch it; past its useful life and yet; A season well spent.
The pieces to my first piece of fiber art for 2021 were hanging around the studio for months. The old sailing glove should have been retired at the end of 2019. I washed it and put it back in my sailing bag. This year, it went from the bag to my studio. There were good memories in that glove.
The resist and shibori dyed wool felt seemed like a good match. I put them together in a pile, waiting for their time to come.
The Marion Art Center‘s call for member art for their winter exhibit pushed me to get the idea and make it reality.
Can I be honest? It pushed my thumb pretty hard… sewing leather through wool felt required some alternate thinking about stitching. But I finished it!
On January 29, you can take a virtual tour of the member exhibit. Learn all about it and the instructions on how to join in the Wanderer.