“Playing with Color” October 2022 in Melrose, MA

Come to the Beebe Estate in Melrose to discover “Playing in Color,” a fiber and quilt art exhibit of Joined by Stitch. Meet the artists at the October 7, 2022 reception from 7 to 9 pm.

Joined by Stitch is the critique group of Betsy Abbott, Agusta Agustsson, Tarja Cockell, Sue Colozzi, Janis Doucette, Anne Kimball, Madalene Axford Murphy and Alanna Nelson. They are all members of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA).
The eight regional artists came together to form a critique group in the fall of 2016 to support each other in their individual journeys. Each member uses fiber in creating her work but each has also developed a unique voice ranging from the abstract to the representational.
While all group members use color and fiber in their work, the materials and techniques offer a wide range of opportunities to explore and play. Members dye, print, weave, felt, paint with thread, and stitch, discovering new opportunities for textiles to turn into landscapes, emotions and messages.
Once a month, the artists bring work to a meeting, seeking either feedback from the rest of the group for a finished piece or advice on a particular aspect of a work in progress. The meetings end with a lively discussion of news from the fiber art world and from individual members.
Group member Alanna Nelson says, “In our first group show since March 2020, we look forward to the exhibit in Melrose. We’ve had a lot of zoom sharing of our work, and it’s great to share these colors and textures in person.”
The Beebe Estate, 245 West Foster Street in Melrose, is open Saturdays from 11 am to 3 pm. “Playing with Color” will be on view from October 7 to 29, 2022. Visitors are welcome to wear masks and practice social distance protocols.