Apr 24, 2013
Word has it that there’s still room in the April 29, 2013 Fair Isle Knitting class that I’m teaching in Melrose. I’ll show your three different ways to try knitting with 2 colors in the same row, show you how to read charts, get you thinking about color choices and details that will improve your workmanship and finishing for Fair Isle knitting. It’s just one night, so we practice on a small sample (pictured above).
Bring along 3 contrasting colors of worsted weight yarn and appropriate needles. If you’re happy to work on double pointed needles or with the magic loop method, great! If not, we’ll work with straight needles and sew up your sample. Cast on 36 stitches and work 2 rows in purl stitch before class. This way, you can concentrate on the fair isle while we’re together.
To register, go to the Melrose Adult Education. Need yarn? Sit and Knit in Melrose will give you a 10% discount on class supplies with your registration confirmation. If you have any questions, email me at tactile @ mac dot com.
Mar 28, 2013
The Melrose Adult Education program list is growing by leaps and bounds this spring! There’s opportunities to learn about painting, acting, business skills, interior design and craft. Yours truly will lead two sessions on basic knitting skills, a lecture on how to make a duct tape mannequin and fair isle (stranded) knitting skills. To register, go the Melrose Adult Education Office for the full schedule and registration forms. Here’s class summaries for the sessions I’m leading:
- Basic Knitting Skills: Learn 2 ways to cast on, to knit, to purl, and how to bind off. Understand some of the most common abbreviations in knitting patterns and get ready to work on a basic knitting project! Bring light colored, smooth (no novelty yarns, please) worsted or bulky weight yarn and appropriate size of knitting needle. With your MCAE registration confirmation Sit ‘n Knit Melrose offers 10% discount on your class supplies. 7 – 8:30 p.m. Offered on Mondays April 1 & 8 and May 6 & 13, 2013. COST: $25.00
- Make Your Own Duct Tape Mannequin: A dressmaker’s mannequin is a helpful tool for sewists, knitters and crocheters. Ideally, it fits your body and your pocketbook! For many hobby garment makers, a duct tape mannequin is the perfect solution. This power point presentation and demonstration helps you and a couple of friends create your own duct tape mannequins. Handouts will help remind you of the steps when you try this at home. Monday, April 22, 2013 Time: 7:00 – 8:30, COST: $10.00
- Fair Isle Knitting: Knitting with more than one color at a time creates classic or contemporary accents in your projects. Learn Fair Isle (also known as stranded) knitting techniques using English and Continental methods and read charts. Bright 3 contrasting colors of worsted weight yarns and appropriate sized knitting needles (if you’re comfortable working with double pointed or the “Magic Loop” circular knitting, fantastic! If not, you can learn with straight needles (Monday, April 29, 2013) Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. COST: $25.00
All classes are held at the Milano Senior Center in Melrose, 201 West Foster St. I hear that you’ll soon be able to register online, and I’ll keep you updated.
Jan 24, 2013
The temperatures have dipped into the zone where evenings are spent curled up with a hand work project. One advantage of living in New England is completely justified hibernation during the winter. Last week, however, I enrolled in the Master Knitter Level 3 program of The Knitting Guild of America, so I will dedicate many evenings in the next year to completing these program requirements.
Level 3 is the highest level in the TKGA program, and while I don’t need to knit a flowered carpet in 13 weeks, (as one historical European knitting guild required), there’s quite a few projects, reviews, reports and swatches on my list for 2013.
Last year, I was one of 15 people who completed the Level 2 requirements. The research and review of the literature, the opportunity to evaluate and improve my knitting, pattern writing and design skills create a great learning environment. The program also improves your ability to read and communicate in “knit speak.”
It is a lot of work. You will invest time and money to produce your notebooks (not to mention improvements to your knitting library!). When people ask me if the Master Knitter Program is worth it, I ask about their goals… it’s certainly not for everyone. If you are serious about knitting, enjoy research, appreciate detail and your ego can withstand the critiques given by the committee, it is an effective learning tool.
Here I go!
Sep 24, 2012
As the temperatures cool and the kids go back to school, are you thinking of trying something new? How about knitting? The new Melrose Adult Education class listings include knitting this fall, with yours truly launching you onto new knitted horizons. In five evenings, you can learn the essentials of knitting: knit, purl, cast on, bind off, increase and decrease while creating your own snow friend. Download their brochure with the entire class listings here. Meanwhile, I still enjoy my sessions at Sit ‘n Knit. Janet and I have talked about launching a knitting boot camp this fall. We’ll kick off with a class on seaming (everyone groans, I know). We can help you be pleased with your end results! Call the shop at 781.662.9548 for more details.