Apr 9, 2018
It’s up! My fiber art critique group has their first exhibit at the Andover Library through April 30, 2018.
Thanks to SAQA – MARI, Betsy Abbott gathered fellow members and friends together, creating what we now call “Joined by Stitch.” Seven fiber artists, each with their own perspectives and favorite techniques, meet monthly to share studio revelations and our journeys. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Betsy, Sue Colozzi, Tarja Cockell, Janis Doucette, Anne Kimball and Madalene Axford Murphy.
We’re hosting a “Meet and Greet from 7 to 8 pm on Tuesday April 17 at the library. I’d love to see you there!
Mar 8, 2018
The March landscap in Massachusetts can be an acquired taste. Bare branches, squishy boggy mud and wide ranging weather possibilities make cozy pancake eating days in maple sugarhouses one of its main attractions. However, March 2018 is a magical time to discover Land and Nature Scapes in fiber art around Boston.
More than a dozen fiber artists share their work at The Gallery in Malden from March 1 to the 25. The reception is on Thursday March 8 15 (aforementioned wide ranging weather postponed the date) from 7 to 9pm. You’ll enjoy a wide range of imagery and messages inspired by the lines and color from around the world.
I’m delighted to be part of that exhibit, but let me point you to web sites of some of the other artists: Betsy Abbot, Sue Colozzi, Tarja Cockell, Madalene Murphy, Kathleen Connors, Carol Ann Gotrian, Jeanne Marklin, Valarie Poitier, Janice Jones, Cathy Granese, Ann Kimball, all gathered by the wonderful Janis Doucette.
A newcomer on the Malden scene, The Gallery is a local maker’s gift shop, exhibit space and community space dedicated to the arts right in Malden Square. Its spirit and inclusion is boosted by the wonderful Ose Schwab, with the physical space supported by DSF Advisors. The Gallery reflects Malden’s diverse population, and I’m excited to see how it develops. Go Gallery, go!
Will I see you there? Hope so, but if not, perhaps you can make it to April’s meet and greet… more about that next time.
Oct 4, 2013
Did you catch it yet? It’s a total trip that I really dig. The Museum of Fine Art’s Hippie Chic fashion exhibit is a blast from the past.
The fifty-three outfits span the 1960s and 70s and are curated into five themes according to influence. The installation is super, complete with a juke box full of period music. Frequently, you can the view the garments from several angles which I appreciated. The enthusiasm of the time period radiated, as suddenly I loved the shag carpet in neon colors on round go go platforms!
Hippie Chic is on view until November 11, 2013, so there’s still plenty of time to soak it up. Meanwhile, the MFA web site has great features to whet your anticipation. There’s even a fab game (this coming from some one who would rather do just about anything than play games on her computer!) where you create your own album cover.
Don’t miss this fun exhibit! I heartily recommend soaking it up as soon as possible, then heading back to Lauren Whitley’s gallery talk on November 7.
Love the dress!