Make Felt in Marion May 7

Soap, water and wool; express yourself and create; your own felt fabric.

May 7, 2022 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Silvershell Beach, Marion, MA

Join me outdoors near the shore as we play with soap, water and wool to create a piece of felt all your own.

Play with color, include your favorite symbols and learn several ways to create felt. Learn how your wool choice impact the final fabric.

Class price is $20 and includes all materials and supplies.

Register here. It’s a good activity for those 12+. We’ll sit and stand and might get a big wet. Bring an apron (oil cloth, if you have one) and get ready to roll up your sleeves.

Soap, water and wool is part of South Coast Spring Arts and is the first time I’ve taught since December 2019! Can’t wait to be outdoors and see what people create.

Join me!

Wool felt success at Alanna Nelson learn to felt class 2019
Soap, slap and roll!

Soap, slap and roll!

My wool collection includes yarns, threads, fleece and roving. On hot summer days, the latter two are some of my favorite toys.  There’s something quite gratifying about putting on your swim suit and playing with soap, wool and water.

Alanna Nelson art quilts and feltingNeedle felting is nice, but wet felting just brings out my beach instincts.  In any case, I’m happy to include both in my art quilts.
Several of my recent art quilts use a felted background.  It gives a lovely sense of multi textural goodness that contrasts with embroidery, quilting, applique and beading. For all of the fabric that I’ve dyed and painted, felting gives me a new dimension.

Here’s a background…felt art quilts by Alanna Nelson
That became this quilt…
Arabic Entry Blessing Quilt by Alanna Nelson
Earlier this week, my daughter’s college exploration took me to the Pioneer Valley.  She considered my suggestion to fiber shop audacious. “Oh, no…don’t you have enough projects going now?”

She’s probably right, or we would have definitely stopped by New England Felting Supply in Eastborough to pick up some dyed quick felting merino roving. Felting has been a fun change of pace from my Master Knitter Focus this year.

I recently felted some undyed Shetland fleece and am here to report that merino felts much more quickly (however the end result was fabulous, pictures in a future post)!  The slapping, stomping and throwing were undoubtedly excellent upper body work outs. If nothing else, I love playing with soapy water on summer day.  It beats sitting in air conditioning, doesn’t it?